Friday, March 13, 2009

The Wonderful Wizard of. . . ER

I'll admit it. I am an ER fan. I haven't seen every episode, through the years but I have picked it up again in the last two years. And when the dust settles three shows from now, I will miss my wannabe soap opera.

The past few episodes have been the final curtain call for former cast members. Last night we found Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway (How did NO ONE on the show catch her mispronunciation of Spokane?) working it in Seattle with twins who can spell. And Doctor Benton munching on a peanut butter energy bar, telling us Reese is 13 (how time flies!), and totally saving Doctor Carter's new kidney, thank you very much.

Poor swollen Pardimir/Neela hiding her pregnancy gets to leave the show next week as we bid her and the dead cast members farewell. Let's see, County General has buried Doctors Green, Romano, and Pratt. Oh and that intern Lucy Knight who got stabbed. Oh, and the Iraq war killed Doctor Gallant. My favorite death by far was the helicopter crushing Doctor One-Arm Romano.

It looks like the ER writers are heading down the yellow brick road as they neatly wrap up every storyline. (It wasn't the tin man but Neela did implant a new heart.) So I expect that the abandoned newborn baby will find a home with the Banfields and Doctor Gates (rock-a-hula-baby) and Sam Taggert will get back together.

And Neela better head straight into the arms of Ray Barnett if she knows what's good for her. A girl needs closure.


Maren said...

OK. so I didn't watch the ER last night. I still will. Even though you totally spoiled it for me. But I agree with you about Neela. Ray loves her, can't she see that? hrmph!

Can't wait to see the twins and Reese!

And I was crying when Carter was on the table last week. He needs to never ever die. Glad he's getting his kidney! woo!

I shall cry in 3 shows. 3 more? That's all I get? :'( Ok, maybe I shall cry now.

I think I need the 15 season DVD set for umpteen bagillion dollars! It's doable right? ;)

Love ya sis!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Have to admit, I was an ER fan for quite a few years. I think the episode where I finally decided I was done was...Oh yes, the helicopter crash. My sister and I were watching it together, both looked at each other and said, "No Way!" And so, I just couldn't take any more. Although I have to admit, I still watch every now and then when I should go to bed but can't drag my butt off the couch. It did have a good run, but all things must come to an end!

Maren said...

We don't get to see the twins and Reese? BOOOO! Glad Carter is ok. I smiled and almost cried again.