Sunday, March 1, 2009

In Like a Lion

Our laptop is back. And we've all learned some very important lessons about laptops. First, the baby isn't allowed anywhere near it. She yanked the "enter" key off a while ago and a rinky dinky plastic piece broke off. The second lesson we've learned is that it's good to get the Best Buy warranty for a computer even though we almost talked ourselves out of it because in-store warranties generally are a giant waste of money. If you have kids, get the warranty. The final lesson we learned is to really listen to the Geek Squad boy who says "The laptop will be back in four to five days, but it never takes that long." Funny joke (ha, ha, ha, ahem) because thanks to poor listening skills and/or poor pronunciation skills we learned that the estimated wait time was actually forty-five days. One rinky dinky broken plastic piece meant a vacation to a laptop factory. Our laptop joined all the rich people in our town who wander off to exciting, balmy, places in the winter months.

How sad is it that I'm jealous of my jet-setting computer? Wouldn't a tropical vacation be ono right about now? I'm not picky. Anywhere green works for me. Oh, green AND warmer than 50-60 degrees. When we decided to leave Hawaii I don't think we fully comprehended the "joy" that is winter on the mainland.

Yes, I know that March does that lion turned lamb transformation deal. I know the daffodils are starting to come up. I'm just impatient!


Sorry for not posting any pictures. Our camera is loaded, nay, as stuffed as a holiday turkey, with photos and video clips. But it won't download with a dead battery. So I'm publishing this text-only post while the battery is charging. And the NEXT post, promise, cross my heart, hope t' die, will be chuck full of photos.


Anonymous said...

I loathe the Geek Squad:( They ruined my last computer and I ended up paying $300 to fix it when it was actual unfixable. They "said" it would take 30 days and it took 60, but they didn't do a darn thing.
Glad yours got fixed:)

Sorry for the rant on my soap box.

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Gotta love babies and computers! Ryan once sat on our disc drive (when opened to get a new disc, it is exactly the right height for a 2-year-old's butt!) Gotta love em! (Oh, and I'm with you on the winter thing. This year is killing me, and I only lived someplace warm for a few years, but Oh, to be there now...)