Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's This New Thing

R. made me laugh this morning. He was awake and wearing green before I got up. When I saw J.'s black t-shirt and jeans I reminded him to find something green to wear.

R. (in his best big brother voice) tells him, "Yeah, it's this new thing some kids in my class are doing. If you don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day. . . they're going to PINCH you."

Yup, you may not have heard about it, but kids these days will pinch you if you don't wear green!

Growing up, I was taught strict observance of the St. Patrick's Day pinching principle. I remember wearing green pajamas to bed on March 16th in order to avoid being awakened with a pinch. No, I'm not the type to just pin a bit of green to my shirt. I'm the type to go shopping (yuck) for a green shirt the day before St. Patrick's Day when I can't find anything green to wear.

Did your parents, like mine, offer a generous helping of green food coloring at the breakfast table--green scrambled eggs and green pancakes? Or green milk in your cereal bowl? Join us and injest some green today for St. Patrick's Day!


Maren said...

I for one, am a fan of the green scrambled eggs, and kinda green orange juice. :)

Dave said...

I didn't have a lick of green on all day. Am I kicked out if the family?

: ) Paula said...

Dave, I'm not surprised. You don't go bonkers for Halloween either. (A costume where the name tag on your shirt reads: "To: Women. From: God." is funny, but not bonkers.)