Wednesday, March 25, 2009


She's discovered her pockets. C. walks around the house with her hands in her pockets or into the front of her overalls (I've got to get a picture of that). Too cute.

The cub scouts went to a pet store. This is a bearded dragon. They're one of the only friendly reptiles out there. Most reptiles don't seem to care whether they are somebody's pet. Bearded dragons interact with humans, hang out on random shoulders, and these scouts are pretty sure this bearded dragons smiled at them. And no worries, grandma, they sanitized their hands after touching all the reptiles (they got to hold snakes and turtles too).

The kids want me to find out if anyone in the blogging world wants to trade their bearded dragon for our tarantula . Let me know!
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1 comment:

Maren said...

Love the pockets! haha!