Monday, March 16, 2009

Who Thinks Thumbs are Than-Tastic?

"Where's your thumb, baby?" will soothe owies, cheer her temperament (when I say "no"), and help her drift off to sleep. Most of the time I can't see the downside! My mom, who turned out okay, was a thumb sucker. I remember her telling about how she'd lick the sour anti-thumb goo off every time grandma would apply it. And Ben, who also turned out okay, sucked his fingers until the third grade. I've heard the biggest drawback is orthodontics, but she's got crooked teeth in her genes and will most assuredly need braces anyway! At what point do I try to take this girl's thumb away from her? I think it's a big part of why she's been my best baby. Any thoughts?

Some good news: Ben lost 3.2% of himself this week. He won $29.70, which is a better deal than those Jenny Craig places. Yay Ben!


Maren said...

She has enough hair for a lil' ponytail now? Awwww! No thoughts on the thumb though. She's still cute. And yeah, if she's like her mom or auntie, she'll need braces anyway... Arick's already got 'em. Us Smiths have a fortune in our mouths. Deal with it. ;)

Mom said...

My Elena is three and still sucks her thumb. Like you I can't see the downside. But I've been wondering the same thing. I've never had to "cure" a thumbsucker before, the other kids took a pacifier and one day it just disappeared. Hard to do that with a thumb and probably not worth it.:)

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Although I don't think C.'s thumb-sucking is probably a bad yet, I have an idea when it is time to get rid of the thumb: When my cousin was in grade school and his parents had tried everything else, they put a cast on his arm (his dad's a doctor) - yes, the kind that goes over the wrist and thumb..and alas, no more thumb sucking (although I think the cast had to stay on a long time...the smell might not be worth it!)