Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Guest Post

Our birthday girl wanted to "Blog about me."

She says: "I like doing my life. I like school. I like playing computer games. I like my first day of school. I remember it. I hope I get My Little Ponies, about eighteen of them. I'm glad that I'm going to have people at my birthday. I'm good at my handwriting. I know that my friends and family love me. My favorite colors are orange, peach--light color orange, and purple. My second favorite and third favorite are pink, yellow, green. . . red is my tie of pink. Blue is my fifth favorite color. My favorite dessert is chocolate chip cookies. I wish I wasn't coughing. I want to be a mom when I grow up. I want a hen. But not for my birthday. When I grow up. I'm going to buy it with my own money. I like hens. And I'm going to buy a cute little kitty. The chicken's going to stay inside. The food and the water that it drinks are going to be inside. It's going to sleep inside. The cat's going to sleep outside 'stead of in. My sixth favorite color is white. I can't wait to play with my playdoh thing that has an apple tree and an apple fell down. I hope my mom lets me play with it today or tomorrow. I have a lot of money. I have about ten of everything. [singing] I like God's plan, I like God's plan. I like it when he listens to us. When God tells me to do something I will always listen. For my own people sing. Amen. [talking again] I like watching T.V. My whole blog is done."

This is what S. looks like today. She says; "I smiled and looked at the dots on the top of the computer. Then the picture taked a picture of me. I mean the computer took a picture of me."

Don't worry if this didn't make sense. She had fun. These ramblings remind me of how Tina Fey put her daughter's expression "I want to go to there!" into a 30 Rock script. (The original referred to pictures of Disneyland.) A cute kid. Too bad she keeps getting older and older. Happy Birthday, S. You're our five year-old "power-packed princess" and we love you.

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Maren said...

Hahahahaha! That made me giggle. It was exactly like the phone convo yesterday. "ok, I'm done now" And she has all those favorite colors, and her #1 is Orange? How cool is she! (Orange is my fave too Princess S.!)

Dave said...

That is by far my favorite line from 30 rock.
happy birthday, birthday pricess!

Logan said...

I love the total ramblings of a child's mind. Hilarious. Hope S. had a good birthday!

Andrew S. said...

I cracked up at the colors . . . I'm glad she could narrow her favorite down to one. Then, the hen? I completely lost it!!! I'm not sure it's possible to be more cute and random. Then her sixth favorite color came out of nowhere! Totaly and completely awesome. Happy Birthday!

: ) Paula said...

I've never heard her declare affection toward the ownership of a hen before that moment. And she hasn't mentioned hens since. But she does love to ramble!