Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kids Teach Kids to Say the Darndest Things

Yesterday the baby was sitting down in the living room playing with her wooden ABC blocks. She started throwing them so I said "Don't throw blocks or you'll get a time out." I didn't mean it or anything, she's only 19 months old. But a few seconds later she picked up a block, stood up, threw it, mumbled under her breath, and walked into the bedroom to sit on her sister's bed. The grumbling part was too cute! She did learn her lesson quite fast and stayed in her self-inflicted time out for only three seconds.

She's also started enjoying bedtime. I love that she now tells us when her day is done by requesting "A pillow, a blankie, a nie night!"

C. is really embracing her ability to talk. She says "hi" and "bye" to everyone she sees. And everyone she sees thinks she's adorable. They're right. Talking babies are delicious.

There's nothing quite like like a talking baby. And when that talking baby will parrot ANYTHING you say? It's even better. Right kids? It's crazy. C. is their new toy. I often hear "Listen to this, guys!" My favorite ditty is thanks to J. (who receives generous support from big brother and little sister). C. responds to hearing *certain sounds* by saying "Oh, cheese!" as she wags her chubby hand in front of her nose.

However sleep-deprived that poor mama of octuplets is, she can rejoice in the knowledge that at least one child won't teach the other one to smack herself on the bottom while singing "We will, we will, rock you."


Kim and Aaron W. said...

so cute Paula!

Anonymous said...

C. is the cutest. I love it when they start talking and parroting. The other day I caught William singing the rock song, "Living on a Prayer." Apparently it's Mike's new favorite song. William has the chorus down perfect.

Just wait until C. says, "FART." William now says it when ever he hears the noise. It's worse when it happens to be me. He makes a big deal out of it.

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Your kids are so fun! I got a preview of the "we will rock you" the other night while babysitting! (Hopefully my kids didn't teach any naughties to your sweet baby!)