Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Have Time to Make Three Collages? Cool!

Church doesn't start until 11:00am this year. And except for a pair of boys' pants that are getting ironed, er, I mean fluffing in the dryer, we are completely ready to go! So I sent an e-mail to my folks and played around with Picasa 3.

I could get used to Sunday mornings like these. Even Ben slept in! His slew of morning meetings didn't start until 8:00am, a lazy morning for a guy who thinks getting to work by 7:00am is a late start. I'm making waffles for breakfast next week!

Playing with Playdoh

Learning to Use a Hair Brush

Campfire with the Cousins
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Maren said...

Ok, S. is adorable, she shouldn't dye her eye brows BLACK though! She's a blondie! And C. LOL! Does she have belly button lint? Why does the end of the brush go in her belly button? I guess it makes sense to her! HAH! Thanks for the pics! And Yay for waffles on Sunday morning!

Anonymous said...

Cute collages! Love the playdoh. Kat got some and plays with it everyday.
Love the 11am church. Didn't get there early though. Try again next week.
Primary was fun, wasn't it? The 1st day of the new year is always a bit crazy. Let me know if you need help with the Sunbeams:)

Lindasue said...

Hey Paula! How are you guys doing?
Cute pictures and stories.
Check out my meager attempt at a blog too. Are you coming down this summer?