Monday, December 22, 2008

A Request for Traditions

This year we made up a new Christmas tradition. Every year a nearby stake centers hosts a nativity display featuring hundreds of nativity sets on display in their cultural hall as well as a kids' craft room and free photos of the family dressed up in Jerusalem-era garb. We all love seeing the beautiful and unique nativity sets. So this year we brought nativity-shaped sugar cookies and milk. After taking in all the nativities, we hung out in the van eating cookies, drinking milk, and listening to Christmas music. It was a nice evening, one we'll try to duplicate in the coming years.

When I was little we had two family traditions. One was making gumdrop-stuffed fruitcake (we called it "Jesus Fruitcake") and singing happy birthday to Jesus. The other was to dress up and act out Luke chapter 2.

Ben's family tradition was to draw names and exchange handmade gifts on Christmas Eve.

With the cold temperatures and heaps of snow, I'm looking for ways to distract my stir-crazy children. (I'll admit it, I'm a little stir-crazy myself!) Do you have any fun-at-home Christmas traditions I can adopt this year?


Amy Smith said...

Growing up we had a cookie decorating contest. Every won a "Best ______" title and it was fun deciding what title to give.

: ) Paula said...

Cute, Amy! And yummy too. Did you get to enter more than one cookie in the contest?

Pepper said...

Ours aren't very exciting, but every year we make a gingerbread house of some kind. This year it was a gingerbread train.

We also make fudge and peppermint bark and give it to neighbors. Yum.

A new one for us this year (but won't help with being stuck inside) is that I bought the girls Christmas pajamas and they can open those Christmas Eve and then put them on and go to sleep. I am washing them as I type, so they will be ready for tomorrow. :)

I remember spending Christmas with your family, mostly remember the acting out of Luke. :D

Merry Christmas!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

These are kind of random and have nothing really to do with Christmas, but at Brandon's parents house they got all crazy about Christmas time. One thing we do every Christmas (I'm not sure when or how it started) is to play balloon volleyball. We tie a string across a room (not from anything breakable that can be pulled off a shelf-I think that happened one year) and then divide into two teams and play volleyball got it, a balloon. Kind of fun and definitely something to get you moving and hopefully a little less stir-crazy! Board games into all hours (although you can only take so many of those) and one year for New Year's his mom planned a scavenger hunt of sorts--we drove around town looking for things, but you could do one around the house instead...just a thought. We do have some spiritual, thought-provoking things we do on Christmas too, but they probably won't do much for the stir-crazies:)

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Oh, and of course, you and Ben could go out without the kids (if you car can get you anywhere:) since I still owe you several hours of babysitting!!! Don't make me come and take your kids away by force some day! Besides, you know Jake would love to play with Kotney and Feesa!