Thursday, December 11, 2008

Completely Loving December!

1. I am thankful for the incredible joy the kids have in unpacking our Christmas boxes. They love the ornaments and I had totally forgotten that I got two new nativities (on clearance 75% off) after Christmas last year. Unwrapping decorations around here is almost as much fun as Christmas morning.

2. I am thankful that we have a limited gift-giving budget this year. It could have been the year for my boys to wipe out years of carefully frugal, perfectly merry Christmases. I mentioned before that R. (but really both boys) wants it all. My knee-jerk reaction to this extensive wish listing is to make my kids happy. But since that's not really what Christmas is all about, I feel good modifying these lists & throwing in some service to others while I'm at it.

3. I am thankful that S. is keeping her conjunctivitis germs to herself--so far. Sad that she got it. But nobody wants to be given pink eye for Christmas.

4. I am thankful that I got to sing a song with Tiffani for our ward Christmas Party. We sang "Will the Real Santa Please Stand Up?" It's a fun '70s showtunes number, not a salute to the Eminem. We dressed up in our jammies and held a dolly and a teddy bear. And Sam did a wonderful job accompanying us.

5. I'm thankful for loving parents. They know all too well how much our basement is costing us. They agreed they wouldn't, because "Early Christmas" came already, but they sent Christmas presents and some money, which Santa knows exactly what to do with. What a blessing they are.

6. I'm thankful for the snow. It makes the kids happy!

7. I'm not thankful for dead batteries (no pic, sorry!), but I am thankful that I remembered what was stored on a shelf in the garage. We just opened two boxes filled with the most amazing nativity scene from Ben's sister, Ali. The Gunters moved this past summer and didn't have room for all of their Christmas stuff so she offered it to us. We love it.

Merry Christmas, y'all!


Sam said...

I too find "surprises" when opening the Christmas decorations each year. Things I forgot were even there. Fun! And relative to #4, you guys did an awesome job. I was humming that tune for the last week : )

Pepper said...

Did you say snow makes kids happy? Maybe living in Indiana won't be so bad after all. Can I watch them from inside the house?? Just bundle 'em up and send them out to be happy? I need something positive to get me in a moving mode.

Did you know that breastmilk works wonders for pink eye? I even cured mine with it once when Abby shared it with me.