Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope you all had a great feast day. We spent Thanksgiving with all of Ben's family except for big brother Chris who is still in Taiwan teaching and taking care of his dogs. We have a "Weenie Roast" planned for 3:00pm today, but it's rain/snow/slush-ing here, so I'll keep you posted. Nothing but 10 grandchildren creating enjoyable moments and conversations about everything under the sun, including facebook. (I hadn't been able to find Ben's sister, Jen, because she facebooks as "Jenny Vos" and she's been known to punch those who call her Jenny to her face.) Facebook will be cool for you in about a decade, Dave. In Ben's family I'm the youngest, so that's been fun!

I'm thankful for YOU!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a fun Turkey Day! Good to have family close by. We had our own this year. All I can say is no more turkey please. It's been our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The kids are a fan of it. Kat thinks it's chicken and she doesn't like chicken, so she won't even look at it.

It's nice that I don't have to cook anythin else for a day or two more.

I left you a message about practicing our fun little tune.

Call me!
:) Tiff

Dave said...

I understand why people are on facebook, I just think it's funny that every 30+ year old person I know is trying to get me on facebook. You kids and your new-fangled social networking sites.