Friday, October 3, 2008

When I Did This in 1999, Ben Called Me a Boy

Too short?
Rudolph was pretty happy that I was taking pictures of myself. She wanted a piece of the "cheese" action. The simple joys of life. I'll have to hold on to this picture so when she's a horrid teenager I can remember how happy she once was.
Okay, so I just got off the phone with Steve and he's convinced me that it's just better to NOT CARE about the election. Know why he convinced me? The electoral college. Yup! And he's right, you know. Our votes don't count the way they should and I shouldn't have to spend my life wishing I lived in a battleground state. Your vote should count as one vote whether you're a republican in Hawaii or an undecided Floridian whose just punched a possibly-dimpled chad. Steve and I agree that the mudslinging and heated discussions don't deserve the effort exerted because the electoral college is lame beyone lame. So vote for whoever, see if I care. (Okay, I'll care, but I won't want to!)

Back to the very important debate topic of the day: How do you like the new hair?


rs said...

Its cute! Besides hair grows so fast!

: ) Paula said...

So it's cute, but it's too short, Mom?!? Hrmph. :) I AM glad hair grows back. I think I'll like it better in a few weeks! (Ben says he likes it, so that makes one of us.) I feel like the hair dresser did what I wanted, but it is different--no pulling it into a ponytail now!

Dave said...

While I'm a big supporter of the long hair movement, I think it works for you.

Pepper said...

I like it! I have wanted to go short for soooo long but I am a big fat chicken. Bock bock.