Monday, July 6, 2009

Our Photographer

RO took the first two photos. CO is in nursery with her messy curly hair.

Two tired fellas.

This bin of legos are the only toys left in the house. We completely cleaned out the kids room before our friends came to visit on the 3rd and 4th of July. The kids had fun with legos, swimming, playing baseball at the park, camping in the yard (older ones), and having a princess party (four younger girls). The grown-ups had fun catching up and laughing.

Can't wait! Getting closer to a finished basement. Drywall's all done! Need to paint, carpet, and trim. (Then their toys will come in from the garage.) This is the boys' closet with a secret passageway under-stairs toy room that opens into the family room.
Don't have any photos, but the three older kids are taking art classes this summer through our district. They've been making coil pots, paper mache masks, and mosaic tiles. And RO and JO are saving up all of their money to buy model airplanes. We were in the audience for their new hero John Carter's 4th of July flight and crash. I think seeing the model plane crash was a big part of what got them interested!
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1 comment:

Maren said...

Nice pit-chas! R-dawg is awesome! I noticed you have a new family photo off to the right, but it's too tiny for me to SEE. Email it! I'm so so excited to see you and the FINISHED basement ;) over Labor Day! Did I send you flight plans for that yet? Remind me to K?