Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2000 miles. Exactly.


  1. Drove 2000 miles with four children and a laptop for playing DVDs.
  2. We went to the Titanic exhibit at the Museum of Idaho.
  3. Saw Steve and Crystal’s gorgeous house. I did catch the subtle irony that I envy their green paint color (and pretty much everything else too).
  4. L&L's.
  5. Did family togetherness excursions like a temple open house, Jump On It, BYU’s legacy hall and Hogi Yogi.
  6. JO was the youngest to make it to the top of the climb at The City of Rocks AND (thank you, Scott!) was brought back down safely.
  7. Jamie and Andy and Scott helped me with my spare and the Les Schwab dude fixed my flat tire for free.
  8. Got to see my parents, all five of my siblings, and 42 other relatives.
  9. Went home via Leavenworth to meet up with Ben and see 23 more relatives.
  10. Collected compliments on the kids’ behavior from relatives, friends, and strangers.


  1. Ben couldn’t come with us and, like JO said, we all missed him "the same amount!"
  2. JO and RO got stung by wasps at their Unkie Dave's condo.
  3. I didn't see relatives on my mom’s side--except for my Grandma Palmer.
  4. JO ate so many malasadas he threw up.
  5. Monte Bean museum was closed.
  6. "I'm blooding!" (CO) drama, not life threatening, but a remarkable amount of blood.
  7. Got a flat tire in the middle the reunion in the middle of nowhere.
  8. The windy mountain road travel at the reunion made SO hurl. In the van.
  9. RO’s nosebleeds came back (quite a bloody vacation when you think about it).
  10. RO also spent over 7 hours of his 9th birthday traveling.
  11. I got snookered at a WA speed trap.
  12. There were two family reunions on the same weekend and this year we missed Ben’s family reunion.
  13. The van smelled like death by the time we hit mile #1723. Seriously stenchy. I found the culprit but can't bring myself to blog about it.
  14. Drove 2000 miles.

You are hereby invited to vote. Do the "yuck" things outweigh the "yay"s on this vacation? I can't decide.

And while you’re voting, help me categorize this one: “Missed the Barn Dance at Ben’s family reunion.” Tee hee!


Maren said...

Depends if it was a pimped out barn (did Xzibit get to it and pimp it out?), or if it was a scruddy barn. It could really go either way!

Did C's blooding ever stop? How's she doing? Can't wait to see you again in a few weeks! woohoo!

Logan said...

The Yays totally outweigh the Yucks! It was worth it, wasn't it? :) We loved seeing you guys!