Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Love/Hate Relationship

I hate my DVR--it stopped recording Wipeout when Didi Wong was within 10 seconds of beating the deadbeat daughter's time. Who won? Don't ask me. I feel bad hating DVR like that, especially because I love it. Ben's been working nights for two and a half weeks, which means no forward progress on the drywall. Now instead of being productive or getting enough sleep, I've become a DVR zombie. I DVR yoga, huge chunks of HGTV, The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien a.k.a. "You-twit-face", Law and Order, and even the *yawn-fest* Brian Williams' White House special. Love Obama but "We're buying hamburgers!" Really? And you know it's bad when I DVR for the whole family: movies for Ben, Dora for the baby, America's Funniest Home Videos and Spongebob for my preschooler, and my boys DVR everything from Titanic exploration documentaries to World Cup qualifiers (soccer). Admitting I have a problem is the first step, right? I don't think I could quit cold turkey, but I need to seriously cut back. I've already stopped watching Jon & Kate Plus Eight (Kate's brother and sister-in-law have asked viewers to boycott: http://www.nationalpost.c/ ). An interesting take on reality television and children.

Time to "publish post" and go to sleep (or get back to my DVR).


Cecily said...

You and me both. Although I have forbidden my kids from learning how to operate the remote in fear of them filling my precious harddrive space with "their" shows.

Maren said...

At least you have a DVR... I have hulu and to thank for my latest addictions. I'm watching the Bachelorette this season, started yesterday, and I'm already caught up. 3 episodes. 2 hours each. yeah... It's a lot.

Oh, and I love that you record "smart" shows for the boys. Every mom should do that!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

I don't have a DVR, so I am kind of jealous. For that matter, I don't have cable TV...ditto on the jealous. But part of me is glad, because I would be in the same boat. Always SoMeThInG on that needs to be watched. Somehow, though, if I miss it I don't even notice :)