Wednesday, June 10, 2009


When I was a young whipper snapper we added "--n't" to words. And it was funny! So if someone said; "That's cool!" you would reply; "Cool---n't!" meaning that you didn't agree. I wonder if such cleverness can be attributed to the same people who came up with "You stink!"

It seems like the end of the school year prompts a lot of "Remember when. . ." conversations. R. is finishing up third grade next week. At the end of third grade I thought I was pretty old. That was the summer we moved to Hawaii. I have a son that old!?!

S. "graduated" from preschool tonight (seriously, there was an evening program where S. and another girl were masters of ceremony, and the school's principal even handed out diplomas in her cap and gown). One of the songs the children sang I remember R. sang when he was in preschool. Having a preschooler is such amazing fun. I remember when my boys were in preschool and how adorable they were.

I think I do a decent job holding onto these memories. Until J. asks me a "remember when. . ?" question. Oh, sure, I remember---n't!

That kid remembers everything. C. turned two today and J. told us details about everyone's second birthdays, listing presents, locations, and cake toppers. Cake toppers are pretty much my favorite part of birthdays--I love, love, love putting toys and candy decorations on their cakes. I'd love to just sit J. down and pick his brain. Once information goes in, it sticks. Quick story: a few years ago, he woke up and told me that President Hinckley turned 97 years old that day. Somewhere I guess he'd learned President Hinckley's birthdate and was just keeping track. (He does the same with his grandparents, good friends, and Andrew Jackson--but that's a long story.) I do remember stuff, honest. But since I'm not J., today was a good reminder to write things down so I'll remember. My one-time adorable preschooler is almost a fourth grader. And my baby is two years old.

People tell me "children grow up so fast!"

Could it be true?


Maren said...

Happy Birthday lil' C! Where in the world has the time gone??? I don't think she's 2... I think she's lying. ;)

Love and miss you!

: ) Paula said...

She IS lying because when we ask How old are you?" she says "Four five!"