Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. Basement photos!

2. Missing something? "Yup, my front tooth." Finally! (He wiggled that one forever.)

3. When S. went on a field trip to a plant nursery and grocery store her bus drove past new(ish) Chuck E. Cheese restaurant. It's only seven minutes from our house. She doesn't know I've purposely been avoiding car trips to that part of town for months.
4. I'm loving the warm weather, but our yard doesn't exactly get the attention it needs from me and Ben. I really should teach the boys lawn-mowing skills. I put on a construction mask and mowed some of the lawn the other day with a minimal reaction (I wasn't trying to amuse the neighbors, just very allergic to grass and dandelions). And poor Ben's got no time to mow with his night shift work schedule--on good days he has almost enough time to sleep and eat, though.
5. R. ran in a 3-5th grade race at school and came in 10th! He could have been faster, he says, but someone punched him in the stomach right before the race. I don't know about that, but he enjoyed himself and the whole family was there to cheer him on. Daddy got off in time to watch, then he went home to sleep.
7. I posted about thumb-sucking earlier, but C. has started incorporating a new element: Belly Buttons! She sucks her thumb and puts her finger in her belly button. If I see her walking around like this, I know she's tired.
8. We got a new table. (yard sale $40). Now to update our chairs. . .

9. Ben won his Biggest Loser Finale at work and used some of the money he won to buy an outdoor basketball hoop/stand for their work parking lot.

10. We moved the saw horses out of the basement and the kids turned them into goals. We have become the most popular house on the block. Every kid on the block has been over to play, several of them come every day after school. They play, among other things, "Baby Soccer" a crawling game they made up. I'll have to remember this for the next time my kids beg for an expensive toy.


rs said...

The basement is starting to look real! Those kids are creative--baby soccer!

Maren said...

hahaha, love it! nice list, great pics to accompany it too! :) Good stuff! Alohas!