Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Am I Drinking Skim Milk Because I Think I'm Fat? Because I Could Be Drinking Whole

That title had absolutely nothing to do with this post. Oh, but C. has graduated to whole milk. From a cow. So that's relevant, right?

Vacation details:

We left Friday morning for Seattle. Ben and 7 others from this area teamed up with 8 players from Seattle and Vancouver, WA to form "The Red Team" at this year's Department of Transportation soccer tournament. We stayed with Ben's sister Jennifer, who also played in the tournament, and her hubby, Rod, and their four dogs, two cats, and a snake (their pet tarantula died). They were great fun--we went to a farmer's market a few blocks from their home! I fell in love with a T-shirt. Ben fell in love with spicy pickles. Rod and Jen fell in love with "Rose Petal" jam. Then they joined us in Redmond, WA for dinner where Ben and Jennifer and half the team met the other half of their team for the first time.

Saturday was "game day."

The games were in Redmond, about 20 minutes east of Seattle, in a big park. And the AstroTurf was dusted with a smooth layer of fake rubber dirt--weird stuff. C. thought it was ono-licious! Ben's team played three games. Two of them back-to-back. They scored a goal. By the end of the day, they were starting to play like a team, they looked better and better (even with exhaustion setting in), but couldn't keep up with other well-rehearsed teams out there.

Ben opted out of playing soccer on Sunday. Ben has been amazing this year--he's missed so many soccer games--hopefully the kids will remember and follow his Sabbath day example in the years to come. Instead of tracking down a chapel, we strolled around the Seattle temple Sunday afternoon (except kids DON'T stroll). Then we spent Sunday afternoon and Monday at the ranch in Leavenworth. Cousins Ry (7), and Brodie (5) were staying with Gale and Kathy waiting for their moving van to arrive from San Fransisco.

Except for nature, we had fun at the ranch. Poor S. got stung twice by a bee on her right foot. Not to be outdone by a silly old bee, a snake decided to bite R.'s hand. We weren't around to see it, but got reports of R's bravery! This is HUGE for R, who is usually highly emotional and super-sensitive to pain. I don't know why a bee would pick on sweet little ole S, but I guess a snake bite is to be expected when the activity for the day is snake hunting.

Whenever Ry is at the ranch, R. and J. always get to go snake hunting. They had four or five cardboard boxes for their snakes' homes behind the garage. They did some great box-interior decorating and added grass and sticks for authenticity. Ry's dad made sure to supervise "Snake Release Day" after dinner so the poor over-handled fellas could slither off into the sunset.

Backtracking (because I'm not a smooth storyteller)

The reason Ben and I weren't on hand for the snake bite is that we were celebrating our 13th anniversary at the local movie theater. I put the baby down for a nap and we ran out the door. Unfortunately, we watched "Don't Mess With the Zohan" which was probably about the worst way to celebrate a wedding anniversary. . . ever. Not worth it, don't go see it. I'm jealous of Amy and Andrew and their anniversary plans. A whole NIGHT away from the kids!?! They are better at celebrating than we are, don't you think?

After we got back, Ben helped unload Ry and Brodie's moving truck. (They'll be living about a mile from Gale and Kathy.) We then had a lovely Salmon dinner and took cookies to Grandpa Jim before calling it a day. We were back home Tuesday so the boys could finish up their last week of "school." Not that they're learning anything anymore. This is the schedule for the last week of school--business day a.k.a. cashing-in-at-fake-stores-in-the-gym-for-tons-of-free-stuff, a field trip, talent show, play day and picnic to end the school year.

The worst part of the weekend was my allergies. I have been reacting to everything lately and just barely survived. Sooooo annoying. I have an appointment with an allergist next month so hopefully better medication will help. I've been much better at home, but found myself itchy-eyed at the boys' school talent show/awards assembly this morning.

Last day of school tomorrow! FINALLY!!!! I am so excited! Not like last summer (with newborn C.) when I was totally freaking about having 4 kids home all day. This year will actually be fun. For me. And I have the legos, water balloons, popsicles, YMCA memberships, shrinky dinks, playdough, DVR, electricity set, gummy worms and pop rocks to prove it. Bring it on! Now who's jealous? Oh yeah!

Okay gotta get going--lasagna for dinner. And salad. And grapes (for the kiddos). And whole grain baguette. And lemonade Crystal Light. Not too shabby with the healthy add-ons, eh? If you surround it by enough healthy sides, does the lasagna magically become healthy too? Hope so. . .

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