Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week of June 9th


My lofty goal this week in blogging is to write "100 things about my one year-old." C's birthday was today and the party was just us Wards and it was fun, except for the frosting, which was blue. In case you ever feel like bluing up some frosting without using food coloring, please read on. I decided to add a packet of berry blue koolaid to the frosting. I thought this would be better than food coloring because the color would be more intense (underwater creatures-themed cake). I also decided that a regular flavored cake would be boring. So the koolaid packet was my "two birds with one stone" solution. I'd have blue and flavorful frosting this way. Well folks, as it turns out, berry blue flavored frosting tastes pretty dang sick. It's berry tangy. And normal frosting is sweet. So when you bite into a piece of cake, it's just not what you expect. I should have put in just a touch of it for flavor and then darkened with food coloring instead of adding more and more powder! Also, in case you are wondering about my making my daughter a blue cake, the inside of the cake was pink (colored and flavored with a small Weyler's To Go packet--juice flavoring in cake batter works--delish!). I just don't embrace the pink princess girl stuff like I should. S's 1st cake was blue and white with yellow rubber duckies on it. Oh well! I'm sure S will set me straight. She spends enough time pretending to be a princess that I think we're in for pink girly cakes for years to come.


Before I get started on the list of 100 things, I wanted to mention S. and Daddy's YW activity. Ben gets to go to all the YM/YW activities now and they had a daddy/daughter activity this Tuesday, so Ben took his daughter. They played a guessing game like the newlywed show where each daddy's answers have to match their daughter's. S. loves competition and when she figured out that this game was a contest she said (loudly) "Daddy! We GOTTA win this thing!" They got one matching answer "What animal is your dad most like?" Both said "A dog." S. was thrilled. She let out a shrill "Whih Hooo!!!!"

Here's my list of 100 things:

1. The song "Happy Birthday To You" makes her just grin and clap. She likes to hear us sing.

2. She thinks she can sing. She is sadly mistaken.

3. C. thinks she can dance. And she's right. That baby can really bob her head and shake a leg.

4. She struts like a duck with her head jutting up and down for no reason. Cute.

5. C. likes to throw food and sippy cups off of her high chair. Usually it's because she thinks that's where things go, but sometimes, when we put a fallen sippy back on the tray, she'll turn it into a game--holding the sippy off to one side threatening to drop it, wait for a bit of encouragement "No baby, don't drop it!" (from the kids usually), and then drop it and smile or laugh.

6. I'm having a hard time typing "C." (blog edit) when I write about her because I ALWAYS CALL HER "BABY." I doubt she even knows her own name.

7. C. thinks she's funny. She was sitting on a stair step kicking me with her chubby feet and laughing.

8. C. doesn't know how to take a nap without coercion. I have to nurse her to sleep during the day.

9. But at night I can put her in her crib, turn on the lullaby CD and she'll fall asleep with minimal protests.

10. She was shirtless for a while today and she quite enjoyed grabbing the skin on her belly and smacking her tummy. She's a fat baby and she knows it.

11. I'll have to get an accurate number in here next week at her check-up, but my guess is that this fat baby is about 25 pounds.

12. C. can climb up onto S's toddler bed. And she hates it when we make her get down.

13. Her other new mad skill is the stairs. It takes some coaxing to get her sitting and then turned onto her tummy to go down (she sees us walking down and thinks she can just step), but she can do it! She isn't consistent enough about not falling for us to get rid of the baby gate.

14. The first thing C. does in the morning is to hug and hug and hug whoever picks her up out of her crib.

15. She can clearly say "Hi Dad."

16. She also says "moh?" when she wants something. She's been doing this for a while. I don't know if she means "more" because she says it when she sees a toy she wants.

17. I'm amazed at how fast C. can wreak havoc on a neat stack of Pokemon cards. That girl moves her hands so fast--she's a human windmill.

18. When I'm on the computer, sometimes C. will reach up and grab my mouse or try to slam the keyboard slider shut. She's a reach-up-and-grab kind of girl.

19. C. has a gap between her two front teeth. It makes me wonder if she'll be the one with the great personality. Then I remember that I had a gap between my teeth as a child--and I was still a pretty cute kid.

20. C. just cut her 5th tooth last week.

21. Every person in a picture is "baby."

22. Her two favorite pictures are a picture of Jesus Christ in a heavy frame that is on an end table in the living room (it's at her height and I need to baby-proof better), and a tiny picture of S. when she was a baby. Ben will take it off the wall and let C. walk around with it. She likes kissing baby S's picture.

23. She is not a very good kisser. She puts her open mouth on your face and says "aaahhh!" It's slobbery.

24. But that's okay because she will then smack my face with her hands a few times to rub in the slobbery goodness.

25. C. is my first baby to NOT like being in a baby swing. She'll still swing and nap in it, but she doesn't enjoy it.

26. Ben, the rocking chair, and sports on TV regularly lull her to sleep.

27. C. likes to perform. She reaches her hand up to the piano and plays a few notes, then turns around with a huge grin on her face so we can say "Yay!"

28. Every time she hears "Yay!" she claps for herself.

29. C. loves to take off with the phone and dial "66666666666" "77777777777" or sometimes even "55***555******" if she's feeling creative.

30. "Muh" has more than one meaning. Sometimes it means "Here you go! I dialed the phone for you!"

31. She is a great multitasker. She can play piano with one hand and hold the phone with the other.

32. A new skill is whispering "aaahhh" in the high chair as she waits for bites of food.

33. Another new skill is climbing up onto the door of the dishwasher.

34. C. can turn pages in books and magazines. She rips out pages in both with reckless abandon.

35. C. is good at taking off her socks, especially when in a car seat.

36. She's only worn shoes a few times in her life. She takes them off too. And coming from Hawaii, her parents don't care if she goes barefoot or just wears socks.

38. She is the proud 4th generation of girls in our ward wearing hand-me-downs. My friend, Sheree, admits to spending too much money buying nice clothes for her first child years ago. But seeing Abby (5), Lilly-anne (3), Cheyenne (2) and now C. (1!) wear them makes her feel better.

39. She hates loud machines like running vacuums, KitchenAid mixers, hairdryers, and drills.

40. Ditto when you blow up a balloon and do that balloon crying thing (pinch it to let out the air).

41. C. enjoys unrolling toilet paper.

42. She also swishes her hand around in toilet water on occasion.

43. If she is heading toward the bathroom for another go at the toilet and I take her hand to redirect her to another room, she leans backward and tries to sit down in protest.

44. Whe she's sad or has just been redirected she makes a gutteral sound an octave lower than her normal voice "Awwww."

45. She's a walking master.

46. She never did crawl correctly. She had a one-knee crawl. She climbs stairs now with one knee, too.

47. At church Sunday I couldn't get her to walk down the hall because she wanted to go the other way.

48. She likes us to chase her.

49. Her thighs are sooo fat. People used to tell us she'd slim down when she started walking. No thin thighs yet!

50. She also has a fat smile. Her round face has double cheeks and a double chin when she grins.

51. C. knows what brushes are for. She can brush her hair, her teeth, and the kitchen floor.

52. I can shop twice as long if I have crackers on hand. She isn't a fussy baby when there are crackers nearby.

53. C. yells jibberish at the dog and out the window when kids are playing.

54. C. can blow spit bubbles while saying "mmmmmmuh" over and over

55. C. loves sitting on things. Pillows, stair steps, car seats, dogs . . .

56. When we sweep the floor and C. is nearby, we have to race to beat her to the cheerios in the dirt pile.

57. C. eats dirt.

58. If C. has something in her mouth I touch her lips, hold out my hand, and point to my palm. She takes the object out of her mouth and puts it in my hand.

59. She adores her siblings.

60. She puts up with a lot of unwanted "Hug me baby, hug me!" attention from those siblings. But she can defend herself with loud shrieks and shoves when necessary.

61. When she doesn't get her way, she holds her hand up to her mouth and cries hoping for added sympathy.

62. If S. tries to be Dora the Explorer and tells her baby to "Stand up please!" C. will lay down and then laugh.

63. Her favorite song games are "Baby Shark Doot Doo" (thanks, Auntie Shelley) and " This is the Way the Baby Rides" (thanks, Auntie Crystal).

64. She's quite ticklish.

65. She and S. often play "dueling banjos" but with screaming. It's loud.

66. She is a pudgy energizer bunny when she's well-rested and fed.

67. When tired and/or hungry C. is quick to let us know.

68. I know she wants a nap when she follows me around wherever I go.

69. C. helps me fold laundry. If she can reach a pile of folded laundry she gets the whole pile "ready" for me to gather up and refold.

70. C. freaks us out when she sleeps. She will sometimes wait a long time between breaths. She doesn't seem to mind, that is, she never gasps for breath or changes color. We don't know if it's because she's dreaming or what, but we prefer it when babies breathe regularly. It's on my "talk to the Dr. next week" list. If she dies of SIDS I'll be horribly saddened, but not horribly surprised. Dude, that sounds so horribly horrid! I might decide to delete this and write something else for #70 before I post. . .

71. Her left eye is unique. She was born with a pin-sized white spot in the middle of the pupil. It's a polar anterior cataract. She's been to the eye doctor four times in her short life. The doc is just keeping an eye on it (get it?) especially for the first few years where eye development is critical. There is a slight risk that she'll develop amblyopia, or lazy eye, if it affects her vision in that eye. So far the verdict is that it is purely cosmetic. C. scores well on screenings and seems to see fine. To see a picture of it, go to my Feb 12th blog entry: "For Mom- can you see it?"

72. If there's a large box or basket on the ground, C. will climb into it.

73. C. knows how to use her fist to smack her mouth and make those "wah, bah, bah, bah" noises.

74. If she has a choice between cheerios and goldfish crackers, she'll choose goldfish.

75. C. can take the lids off of markers.

76. And she thinks crayons taste great.

77. One day there was a bottle of ketchup on the ground in the kitchen. I didn't know how it got there. Turns out that when someone opens the refrigerator, C. runs/toddles over to see how many condiments she can take out of the door of the fridge before someone catches her.

78. When her daddy comes home she babbles and smiles and claps. (Total job perk for Ben!)

79. I haven't tried this lately but she used to finish the line from the Backyardigans pirate song: "A pirate, a pirate, a pirate says. . ." ". . .yah!"

80. If she's carrying something big (even if it's not heavy) C. walks around with it completely out of breath going "huh, a, huh, a . . . eeehhh."

81. She knows how to take her shirt off!

82. She will let us feed her with a baby spoon but will insist on helping by taking the spoon away.

83. If she holds one baby spoon, we can trick her into getting fed by another baby spoon. This only works because she thinks she's still helping.

84. C. loves rubbing food in her hair.

85. Her middle name was almost Eliana (pronounced Ellie + Ana)

85. If you say "hat" she'll put whatever she's holding on her head.

86. When I'm holding her and talking to her she'll stick her finger in my mouth to catch my tongue or gouge at my gums with her fingernails. Flesh-scraping fun.

87. C. is my first baby to love taking baths.

88. She is not my first baby to be practically bald as a one year old. What little hair she has is brown.

89. She ate J's free admission ticket to Silverwood (like Lagoon).

90. S. likes it when C. hits her in the eye.

91. R. likes it when she pretends to be his bucking bronco.

92. J. likes sitting next to her at the table so he can play with her and not spend all his time complaining about food.

93. She's a cutie when she walks around, chin high in the air, wearing sunglasses.

94. C. dangles her foot on the other side of the baby gate daily, just to see if today's the day she can squeeze out.

95. She's a mamma's girl and doesn't like getting babysat.

96. I caught C. trying to climb into the dog's kennel yesterday. Eew. Hairy!

97. I've never woken her up just because she looked "so cute" asleep. (She is quite cute when she's sleeping though.)

98. The kids have. But not on purpose!

99. 99% of the time, she makes it easy to love being her mom. C. Rose is a cutie and a sweetheart.

100. She's even cute when pooping. She gets this completely serious look on her face and we all know it's her "I'm pooping now" face. (This is information that truly deserves the number 100 spot.)

This is something I wish I'd done for my other kids when they were tiny. I forget little details like this!


We celebrated Father's Day today by going to a zillion garage sales and then eating dinner at Red Robin, yum. Best deal of the day a corner cabinet for the kitchen for $5. Also we got a TON of legos. And I haven't checked the official rule book yet but I'm pretty sure you can never have too many legos.

Sorry I didn't upload pictures from the birthday festivities yet. Maybe next week. Have a great day! : )

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