Thursday, December 30, 2010

I Got a Niece for Christmas! Merry Christmas!! Now Go Have Some Cold Milk!

My youngest brother, Dave, and his wife, Logan, got new titles for Christmas. They are daddy and mommy to this beautiful baby girl! YAY FOR BABIES!

Feliz Navidad, indeed!
Ben's dad took this in November when we were visiting.
Our dog, Petey, and Ben's parents' house are in the background.
There is no green grass today.
It looks like the last few days of 2010 will be covered with a foot of snow. Brrr!

I suppose I can't spend my entire winter pining away for the beach and 80 degree weather, so I'll say this: when it's cold outside, I can buy all the milk I need and it stays cold. Yay!
I usually buy milk four gallons at a time, but last week I brought home six gallons of milk from Costco (not a fan of their new gallon containers, by the way). I knew we'd need it with the kids home from school. Our fridge was already full of Christmas feast ingredients like 15 pounds of pork, 2 pounds of spinach leaves, you know, the usual. *!* So I decided to put the milk into the empty storage closet on the deck. And I may never store milk in the fridge (in the winter) again.
Mmmm, mmmm, good. We've enjoyed wonderfully ice-cold milk this week!
I won't be getting back to my blog before Saturday, so have a Happy New Year!
2011 is coming, ready or not.



Anonymous said...

Cute baby!
I too hate the Costco milk jugs. It spills all over when kids pour it. They need to invent a spout or go back to the old milk jug.

Happy New Year!!

Maren said...

I didn't notice Peety was in that family feliz navidad pic till I clicked and made it bigger. :) Full family pic. Nice!

Hauoli Makahiki Hou to you too! <3 ya!