Friday, May 21, 2010

Five K Friday

My two nine year-olds ran a 1.5 mile race at school today. Their school allows 3rd - 5th graders to run, so this year was JO's first run. He was very proud that he ran the whole way. He even passed up a classmate about ten feet from the finish line. And it looks like RO will get the bronze medal for his grade again. Impressive!

To better appreciate their efforts, I decided to run a 5K on the treadmill this morning.

I've decided that every Friday will be a "5K Friday." Who's with me?


Maren said...

5k is easier than 5miles... Totally doable. If I could just get my lazy butt back to the gym! (Haven't been all month! Thanks Flood! Thanks Zombie!) PS, I updated MY blog Yesterday! hurrah! Miss you, Love you, Call me!!

: ) Paula said...

As it turns out, when I asked "Who's with me?" not even I am "with me." I did two more 5Ks, but none on Friday. (Far from posting a "good" time, but I'm moving and I'm good with that!)