Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When You "Can Burp at the Table"

As parents we make up rules and consequences we never thought we'd have to establish. Our latest rule is: You owe us 50 cents if you burp at the dinner table.

Last night, our first night of the 50 cent rule enforcement, JO lost a dollar. Since he was the child the rule was primarily targeting, I was pleased to have a zero loss dinner tonight. But what I wasn't expecting was CO, our not-quite three year-old, who announced tonight:

"I don't have money. So I burp."

We're in trouble with that one!


Maren said...

Haha! I like that girl! (ps, I also posted today! Stand back 3 posts in 3 days! woah!)

: ) Paula said...
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Anonymous said...

Good luck! lol.
Maybe you could give her several nickels and her own rule, lol.
