Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm Not the Only One

I came across a blog post I thought was very brave. It featured a real home. Here's the link:
Earlier this year RO took some cute pictures of CO.
Costco groceries on the table, so she helped herself to
a peanut butter chair.
CO saw the uploaded pictures and cooed;
"I sit down on it!"
I thought "Too bad the table and floor are a mess. . ."
As a salute to real homes, I think I'll look past the mess.


Pepper said...

You are brave! I think the same things sometimes with pictures, sometimes I crop out the mess. LOL.

Brandon and Lindsay said...

I went to your link and I am loving all the messy house pictures. It has almost inspired me to take a picture of mine, but not quite. Maybe after I clean it up a little :) The neat freak in me really does WANT a clean house, but the realist in me just can't always make it happen.