Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I hate drywall.


Maren said...

lol that's it? that's all you have to say about it?

Sam said...

Just the drywall? Or the dust after you sand? The white trail all over the house? The dried out hands? The goopy mudding? The darn tape that moves? : )

I hate it too. So worth paying someone else to do it...

: ) Paula said...

Bingo! And we're not even at the muddy goop stage yet. I hate how heavy it is and how hard it is to screw into place. I hate that making cuts creates such a huge amount of wasted wall board. But mostly I hate that I hate it. We're improving our home and learning a trade. We are *thisclose* to DOUBLING our home's square footage, but all I can do is whine and moan. I feel like a crybaby, but I can't help it. I hate it.