Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Fun and Games

I'm in charge of our ward's R.S. Mom's Group (enrichment) and it's helping me to find fun things to do. We went to a park in Millwood (in our ward boundaries) and played there. Along with playground toys, they have a water sidewalk where you can run through and control sprinklers. They also have a nice sized wading pool that's fenced-in. There was more than enough to amuse all ages.

In our spare time (and when we should really be sleeping) Ben and I have been DVRing the Olympics. We don't have the T-shirts like Jamie and Andy do, but we are fast forwarding the commercials and soaking up the games. Does anyone else think China's Jiang YuYuen (gymnastics) looks like Anne Han? Oh! And the men's swim relay? Amazing! In the olden days, before tenths and hundreths of seconds could be measured, they would have tied for sure. J. loves any kind of competition and needs to know who won EVERY event. We can't just skip over the men's volleyball *yawn* unless we stop at the last moments of the game to see how it turns out. He also watches DVR soccer games and fast forwards through the games to watch all the goals.

What do we DVR? Between the Lions, Curb Appeal, Design on a Dime, Nanny 9-1-1, Pokemon, Soccer, The Daily Show, The Olympics, Zoboomafoo, and The Office and ER (soon).

I'll post pictures when one of two things happens: either we find our camera (haven't seen it since R's b-day) OR we buy a new camera. Any camera recommendations? Jamie, what kind of camera did you end up getting? Do you like it okay?

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