Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guest Post from the Birthday Boy

RO brought home his 5th grade journal at the end of the school year.  His teacher gave the students writing prompts every day and they wrote at least 13 lines a day.  Some of the prompts were "I wish I had a million dollars. . ." and "I get nervous at school when. . . "

I had to smile when I read what he wrote for the prompt: "If children were in charge of the world. . ." because I would have written something entirely different.
"If children were in charge of the world I would help in the kids' army.  I would help do world domination and I would fight to be president and I would fight to be in charge of my own continent and I would buy all the stuff I wanted and I would have my own farm and I would help anybody that needs help and I would have a big ranch so that I can have a lot of animals and stuff."
What I would have written is something like the need for 3 square candy meals a day, rollercoasters in every back yard, recess all day, and parents who do all the work.  Never though of the need to lead a kids' army intent on world domination.  Should I be worried about RO?  Happy 11th, my sweet, ambitious, army man. Perhaps you'll be riding a moose at your ranch?

Want to see a picture of the school-aged kids from May on "Crazy Hair Day?"  I thought so.
(Yes, that's sliver goo on her eyebrows.  And do you like the color of our new cabinetry in the kitchen?  It's Natural Hickory.)

Now for a picture of a rocky "sandy" world to practice ruling:

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