Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dag Blast It All!

I remember often hearing my mother's words; "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE!"

I have a vivid memory of running around the basement laughing hysterically with my brother, Andrew, as we I chimed back; "Pete has love. But he's dead." We thought we were so clever.

It turns out I have my own goofy (yet motherly) saying:"DAG BLAST IT ALL!" Proof that I'm just like my mother.

Today my almost six year-old, laughed hysterically and said; "Dag Blasketball is fun to say." Proof that she's just like her mother.


Maren said...

Does that mean she's just like Mom? :-o

rs said...

When you say those things as a Mother, you never think that you are going down in history. Sure glad you didn't quote other things I said!